Friday, December 10, 2010

‘Independent’ Married Woman? What Confusion!

It’s  no doubt, an ecstatic feeling being branded as an independent woman! But is the term ‘independence’ being grossly misunderstood in this contemporary age by the modern day women folks? Does this term get even seriously misinterpreted by today’s married women? Of late the views aired on various television channels through the programs relating to matrimony & marriages, somehow strongly display the mindset of today’s women on independency as just being directly proportional to their financial quotient; earning money more than or equivalent to their husbands and being increasingly conscientious about the progress in their professional carrier. 

But the big question here is, is it fair to define such a significant but gracious word in such a simple way? Perhaps not! As Maya Angelou says -"A bird doesn't sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song."Similarly a woman is not branded as independent because she has the power to spend; she is characterized to be independent by her belief in herself and her potential to get things done without depending on everybody for a majority of needs. When majority of people depend on her for their various needs, this I would call as independency. And these ‘dependencies’ are not most of the time, just financial. They can be physical, emotional, mental, material etc.

There are numerous attributes that compliment an independent woman, apart from the financial ability, which of course is vital. To name few-
  1. It is important to define who and what you are for yourself. 
  2. Care about other people. People who don't care about other people are not whole, and you can't be independent and strong if you're not whole. As Ms Sushmita Sen rightly said during the last round of the Miss Universe Pageant – “A woman is a gift of God. She teaches the world what caring, sharing and loving is all about!” That’s the essence of being a women 
  3. Do not ever try to imitate men. Connect with yourself. Understand that you are a woman and you don't necessarily need to be like a man to be independent, many men are not independent, they could be financially independent, but not emotionally independent.
  4. Accept responsibility for your life. Move from a "victim mentality" to a "creator mentality". 

There is also a very common thinking that those qualified & highly educated women who prefer to be a good home maker and progress in their personal life are not independent. Our belief that a highly educated woman should utilize all her knowledge for their professional life and not ruin the same by sitting at home looking after the daily chores, is not justified in my opinion. A successful personal life is equally important and education really helps in achieving the same as it facilitates proper decision making, which is integral for the happiness of the family. It’s relatively easy to choose one from Right Vs Wrong but it becomes increasingly difficult when you need to choose the best option from two wrong choices or two right choices! This is where the ‘education factor ‘comes into play.

To cut the long story short, Independence is about being flexible and adapting to changing situations. Independence is about being your own support system, independence is about accepting that you are responsible for anything and everything in your life and that YOU can change that whenever you wish. Independence is about trusting yourself, believing in yourself. 



  1. good one Mrs.Raveesh, my opinion is i find a lot of girls or women who come from smaller towns and villages to cosmos they try to mimic urban women and start putting up an artificial image which looks awkward.

    And most of them would have come from a very conservative middle class families and sudden gush of money in their hand makes them behave pretty very differently.

    -Pradeep Reddiar

  2. Nice perspective, in my opinion independence is empowering men/women to do what they would like to do. In our day today life all of us would like to have the power to get our basic needs such as food; clothing; shelter with our own choice which are all linked to money.

  3. Pratheep: Thank you...You are absolutely right!But then the girls coming from rural & conservative families are tuned to the fact that only when they become financially independent ,is when they are considered successful.The everyday incidences at home forces them to focus on only this aspect!When the urban women have the same thought process, rural women thinking on the same lines is no surprise... But end of it all , the essence of life is lost running behind things which will never fetch them permanent happiness

  4. Aasim :Thanks ! I agree with you . Not denying the fact that financial independency is vital but then what I also wanted to highlight is the fact that independency is not just linked to money - There are various others like emotional , phsycological etc .Today all the women tend to focus only on the finance aspect , when it comes to them being independent . I was just trying to emphasize that the term has a deeper meaning & significance...And if this is understood by all , the unending search for long lasting happiness will end !

  5. Beautiful and stylistic piece.. I loved the quotation!

  6. Thank you Rahul! I remember having come across this quotation somewhere in our school literature book and found it relating to what I wanted to actually express!!So here I go...

  7. good one priya! ragini raina likes this

  8. Hi Priya!
    Ravish got me to read your blog. Great work! Nice article about Independent women! Love your writing.. keep writing :)hope to meet you sometime - Krithika (Ravish's colleague)

  9. Hi Priya,
    I loved reading this. You have made some very apt and insightful points indeed for the modern woman (and man too). I agree that we confuse "independence" with overemphasis on financial and material aspects and neglect the most vital "emotional" aspect. Also I feel that marriage and independence are not mutually exclusive.
    Keep writing such meaningful blogs.
    All the Best

  10. Vikram: Thank you so much.It is indeed an honor for a startup blogger like me ,getting appreciated by a veteran writer/blogger like you.I am really inspired by your writing and the creative thought process. Thank you so much for taking some time out and reading my blog.Wish to get your continued support & encouragement for my forthcoming blogs as well.

  11. Krithika: Thank you so much! Read your blogs as well. Goes well with the title... We shall meet up once I am back. Take care...

  12. Dr.Venkatesan said:
    Dear Priya Ravishwaran,
    I really loved reading this blog. You have made some very interesting and meaningful points indeed for the modern woman but the same applies as well to men. You have weighed the whole issue stressing upon emotional aspect with due importance to financial dependance. I too agree with Vikram on that we often confuse "independence" with overemphasis on financial and material aspects and neglect the most vital "emotional" aspect. Marriage and independence are not mutually exclusive as Vikram correctly stated.
    Keep writing such meaningful blogs.I read your blog on Endhiran and Ayodhya verdict. They were also too good.It is really great credit for a startup blogger like you.
    Go ahead with your blog writing process.

  13. Thank you for your comments! I feel that by law of nature , men have been forced to handle the responsibility of being the 'Breadwinner of the family'so from their point looking at financial quotient as the only reason for independency still holds good though not completely as you rightly say.. Woman folks today have confused themselves and forgotten that apart from financial independence , there are other dependencies on her as well ,which she needs to cater to. Will try my best and keep writing such blogs. Looking forward to your continued support for my forthcoming blogs as well.

  14. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this blog post. I completely agree with the fact that the term ‘independence’ is indeed being grossly misunderstood in this contemporary age by the modern day by many. Financial stability is not the only aspect that makes up the crux of an independent woman; unfortunately the majority fail to realize this. Surprisingly I find this “misunderstanding” to be very common in the Indian culture where women are categorized as “independent” once they have a job and are able to earn for themselves; all other crucial personality traits are neglected. I, myself, am in the process of starting the foundation of my career and have realized that financial stability is only ONE of the MANY factors that contribute to the independence of a women. As you say, caring for other people is key. The word ‘care’ is often mistaken as a weakness rather than a strength and one that is “too” caring is simply vulnerable and timid. This has been engrained in the minds of many “successful” women who instead opt to imitate men, which as you say might be financially independent, but are not emotionally independent. Thus, in my opinion, the independence of women cannot be determined by their financial status but is instead reflected in ones soul. It is important to understand the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring; which are all far more significant than ones financial ability. Once you are able to see the good in others, you will be able to accept yourself as a human being, take responsibility for your own actions which will ultimately facilitate proper decision making. This is when you are truly worthy of being known as an independent woman.
